The steering committee

Anthony McInneny

Targol Kharrom

Eva Rodriguez Riestra

Beatriz Maturana Cossio

Peter Johns
Editorial and news teams
Dr Beatriz Maturana (founder)
Public relations, editor (interim) and website designbeatriz@architectsforpeace.org

Anthony McInneny
Editorial and news teams
Eleanor Chapman (former president)
Editorial and news teams
Targol Khorram
Former presidentNews and editorial team

Dr Beatriz C. Maturana
Editor of news and editorialseditor@architectsforpeace.org

Dr Ceridwen Owen
Past editor (2008-2011)arch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Anthony McInneny
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Prof Ashraf Salama
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Peter Johns
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Orhan Ayyuce
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Eleanor Chapman
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Gregory Cowan
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Dr Sidh Sintusingha
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Dr David O'Brien
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Ajith Kuruvilla
Editorial and news teamsarch-peace-news-team@googlegroups.com

Arlinda Sheqiri
News teamsPro bono team

Eleanor Chapman
Pro bono serviceeleanor@architectsforpeace.org

Pauline Ng
Pro bono serviceprobono@architectsforpeace.org

Katherine Sampson
Pro bono servicek.sampson@architectsforpeace.org

Soledad Maldonado
Pro bono servicesoledad@architectsforpeace.org
Words@bld50 team

Kamil Muhammad
Words@bld50 coordinatorkamil@architectsforpeace.org

Anthony McInneny
Words@bld50 coordinatoranthony@architectsforpeace.org

Mary Ann Jackson
Words@bld50 teamwords@architectsforpeace.org

Farah Dakkak
Words@bld50 teamwords@architectsforpeace.org

Porl Van Herk
Words@bld50 teamwords@architectsforpeace.org
City & region coordinators

Eva Rodriguez Riestra
Sydney coordinator, publicationseva@architectsforpeace.org

Marwa Yousef
Arch-peace coordinator in Palestinepalestine@architectsforpeace.org

Morteza Mirgholami
Contact in Iranmorteza@architectsforpeace.org

A. Ozge Ozdamar
Arch-peace coordinator in Ankara, Turkey (2006- )ozge@architectsforpeace.org

Javiera Maturana
Contact in London, UK (2006- )javiera@architectsforpeace.org

Frederico Zaidan Soro Araujo
Contact in Patrocinio MG, Brazil (2008- )http://afpeace.blogspot.com/
Permanent contributors

Dr Darko Radovic
University of Melbourne

Dr John Blair
University of Sydney

Gregory Cowan
Education Projects Coordinator RIBA, London

Anna Lindstad
Film nights and fundraising

Allan Morse
University of Newcastle: graphic design support

Nina Hamilton
University of Tasmania