Thursday 14 May 2009 – 7.00pm
RMIT Building 50, Orr St, Carlton
Entry by gold coin donation..
refreshments provided.
Members of fledgling social enterprise Future Canvas will discuss their efforts to introduce agriculture and permaculture to the urban landscape. The Future Canvas Reforestation project is a global collaborative project that seeks to achieve the following vision in Melbourne:
“A metropolis alive with music and festivities radiating from a nucleus in the city centre community garden. Reforestation Day will enliven and inspire the city; people will get involved in sustainable urban agriculture in Melbourne’s centre, as well as their local neighborhoods, schools and universities. Groups of people interested in Reforestation will become productive communities through initiatives such as sharing their knowledge on urban agriculture through a central website and permaculture workshops. People will green the institutions that make up their everyday. The joy of this experience will echo around the world as Re-foresters share their experiences through various media including the internet, television and print”
Come along to hear about what Future Canvas has already been up to and what’s happening right now.
Download the flyer for this event here
More info on Future Canvas at