Reclaiming poisoned land: Reconstruction and renewal in post-war Lebanon – 2 August 2007

Public lecture
Thursday 2 August, 7.00 pm
RMIT Building 50, Orr St, off Victoria St


Dr Hadia Haikal Mukhtar, Medical Association for the Prevention of War + Mounir Kiwan, Australian Lebanese Youth Association
Following the war in July 2006, Lebanon faced a humanitarian crisis, with more than 1000 people killed, more than 4000 injured and around 1 million �internally displaced. This was compounded by an environmental disaster caused by an oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea, the destruction of infrastructure and dwellings and the littering of South Lebanon with cluster bombs.
Estimated at over a million in total, these bombs represent a serious and largely invisible threat to the lives and livelihoods of civilians struggling to rebuild. The use of such weapons ensures that conflict leaves a long term stain on regions devastated by war, well after cease-fires have been called.
Dr. Hadia Mukhtar, a member of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War, visited the country in December last year as part of a humanitarian delegation organised by Australians for Lebanon. Dr Mukhtar will be joined by Mounir Kiwan, president of the Australian Lebanese Youth Association, to discuss their first-hand insights into the work of NGO’s aiding the relief effort, and the ongoing campaign to outlaw the manufacture and use of cluster bombs.
Lecture to be followed by discussion and refreshments. Entry by gold coin donation.
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