Beatriz Maturana-Cossio

Beatriz is an Academic (PhD University of Melbourne), Urban Designer (MA University of Melbourne) and Architect (RMIT University). Beatriz founded Architects for Peace in Melbourne, 2003. She emigrated from Chile to Australia in 1987. In 1993 she volunteered with Australian Volunteers Abroad to teach architecture in Managua, Nicaragua. Returning to Australia in 1996, Beatriz practiced as an architect/urban designer, while studio teaching at various universities and worked on a project in the newly independent East Timor. Since 2012, she lives and works in Santiago, Chile as an academic (Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile) where she was Director of International Relations and Academic Development (2015-2018). She is currently an academic, Institute of Heritage and Architectural History, University of Chile and Adjunct Professor, RMIT University School of Architecture. In her spare time, she is a jurist (International Union of Architects), Steering Committee Member (Association of Pacific Rim Universities), Editor (Journal of Architectural Research) and a member of the evaluation committee (Chilean National Science and Technology Research Commission).